Better Explained is really well written. It's worth a read even if you think you know your way around imaginary numbers, or e, if only because the way they explain things might help you explain them. is really well written. It's worth a read even if you think you know your way around imaginary numbers, or e, if only because the way they explain things might help you explain them.
Thursday night, the phone rang. I went to answer it, but it stopped before I got there. Then started ringing again. I answered "Hello, Dominic speaking" – my usual greeting only because I'm usually mistaken for somebody else (with startling frequency).
The caller was a man who sounded as if he were in his late forties. He quickly gave his name, which I sha'n't repeat, and explained that he didn't want me to be worried by his call. He was trying to phone a woman, he said, who may have put a "block" on his calls. He seemed to think that the block may have made his calls transfer to other people.
He stressed that I needn't be worried about the reasons for the block. In fact, he stressed it a little too much, to the point where I started to be worried. I guess his intentions were quite reasonable; he figured he'd be calling a number of times, and that I'd be alarmed if I received that number of wrong-number calls.
He called again a couple of days later. Once I answered, I pretty quickly recognized his voice, and the call ended politely. But just tonight he called again, and this time when I answered he immediately hung up. That presents a number of questions:
Is he dialing the same number each time? If so, is it my number? And does he expect to be connected to a different line? — is that why he keeps trying? And why hang up when I answer if he's explained himself already?
The thing is, I think I understand that he might be so desperate as to continue calling whatever number he has, even after the woman he's seeking has decided to get a block placed on his calls. I don't identify with that, or think it's OK - but I'm happy to reserve judgement on that front. However if he's calling my home phone number every time and expecting to somehow reach her, that's just crazy. The phone exchange isn't a lottery.
Next time he calls I think I'll ask. And if it turns out to be my number, I'll ask him to stop. More news, as it happens, although the whole thing reminds me of Dimitri.
Don't know if I'll be able to resist live-blogging this. All the cool kids are doing it (via Twitter, I guess)
I went to:
prepared statements -> not susceptible to SQL injection
. But that doesn't mean: not using prepared statements -> susceptible to SQL injection
.Oh, and look. It's 0.017 seconds of me!
The other elements such as the form tag and the submit button will need to be added by the developer. This might not look obvious at first, but we will see later how useful and easy it is to imbricate forms. — Symfony 1.1 Forms Documentation
Really fantastic music videos of every song on Beirut's Flying Club Cup album. My favourite from the Brooklyn lot is Forks and Knives (below), although some of the ones shot in Paris are pretty neat too. Cherbourg was shot in a parking lot full of ice cream trucks!
Here's one by Arcade Fire, also with Vincent Moon.
At Ben's place. Watching QI.
A natural extension of sites like, provides the general case. With a pretty attractive interface, and a good sense of humour*, I think I'll be using it quite often.
* — they've thought of everything!