
Pedal Board

Pedal Board

This thing's finally off the ground, making progress, and making noise. Thanks to Dom for helping me procure the transformer which gives me eight filtered 9V DC supplies (plenty of room for expansion) and one 9V AC for the delay pedal; yes, the enclosure is a screwed-down takeaways container with soldering-iron holes in it. It can be seen that neatness isn't my priority; I ain't even gonna show you the insides of any of the boxes. The chassis is what's left of an old piano I've been salvaging for various furniture pieces about the house.

The signal chain right now is: gat, home-made fuzz/distortion, dunlop crybaby for bass, moog LPF with expression pedal to frequency, ZVEX ringtone, home-made fuzz, home-made buzzbox/weird tremolo-ringmod into buzzbox, line6 delay modeler.

The old piano pedal acts as a no-intermediary expression pedal for the delay pedal: when the pedal touches the nail it shorts a resistor across the expression pedal jack and switches between two delay settings. I want to do something similar with the other piano pedal to get another foot-control for the LPF, but that'll probably have to be latching. Next pedal is a multi-octave thing little more ambitious than what I've built there.

bass rig pedal board right pedal board left weird tremolo-ringmod-buzzbox pedal pedal detail



aww, my pictures not work
gah, for got my http s
thanks, silent editor
Wow, so different from my approach to custom music equipment. I have PCBs made in China, over engineered, rack mounted stuff. Takes me aaaaaages. I'd say you end up making more music :P
and I'd say yours ends up sounding better ;) I feel I've made more than my usual effort: this one's predecessor was pedals duct-taped to a plank and ziptied wall-warts.
Awesome photos. Can I chuck em up on Flickr for safekeeping?
certe; eos in territorium commune libero
When I read something like that, these are my first thoughts:

Certain? Something, in territory communism freedom.

Googling doesn't help. Turns up this page as the first result!
Best guess: certainly; our(?) domain/territory is (hereby) shared freely.

Is that (eos) a plural pronoun?

Better?: is to be freely shared? is to be shared at liberty?
well, it doesn't help that I made a mistake with the gender (the Romans weren't perfect neither!), but yes, a plural pronoun which is supposed to be referring to the photos. Perhaps sexistly I went straight for masculine, but depending on whether I meant those photographs, ie. _imagines_, which is feminine, or those works, ie. _opera_, which is neuter, it should have been either _eas_ or _ea_ respectively.

Certainly; I release them into the public domain.

perhaps for domain I should have gone with the more obvious _dominium_ which emphasises power and control more than _territorium_, which just means area; _commune_ is the right sense of public, I think; and perhaps _resolvo_ for _libero_, but the latter just smacks of that thing that makes Americans feel good about themselves.
The only thing that could make this project better is if you got rid of all the boxes and encourage ornithology students to make comments on the resulting nest-o-wires. Delicious!