Last weekend we got hit by Stumbleupon:
The tiny blue values at the left of that chart (click to view a nicely expanded version) are our usual traffic. The red is what we got from Stumbleupon. Basically, we received as much traffic as we did in all of 2007 in a single day. And we're still getting quite a few loads, some 48-plus hours after the initial hit.
We've reached about 20,000 unique visitors and 50,000 page loads from the exposure. And it doesn't seem to be letting up.
It's the first time we've ever received any traffic at all from social networking sites. And it's really great to know people are reading (and some of them enjoying) the site.
So, big thanks to madlep, at for the thumbs up. Head over to his site for more TF2 news and hilarity.