Goings On
A lot has happened since I last posted. We have a new government. I've mostly finished uni – one paper to go, I think. I've finished Fallout 3 too (that was a lot easier than a four year degree).
I'd like to draw your attention to Eating Media Lunch's new season. It's brilliant television, and you can watch it online, free, with no ad breaks. So far, I'd say it's not as funny as previous seasons, and much more informative. Then again, I'm sure that'll be redressed with the annual "most shocking moments" special (next week) and the inevitable EML awards show.
And I've bought myself a digital camera. It's a pretty sweet Canon bridge model, and I'm having great fun finding what works and doesn't. Looking forward to playing around with 15 second exposures and supermacro, large aperture stuff.
I'm over on flickr if you want to follow my progress. (Pro account, yeah!)