
Cryptic Copyright Law

Cryptic Copyright Law

I have a theme, so I'm sticking with it. Sorry if I'm boring you.

The Copyright Act 1994 has the following clause, which I found interesting:

(1) It is not an infringement of copyright in a sound recording to play the sound recording as part of the activities of, or for the benefit of, a club, society, or other organisation, if the conditions contained in subsection (2) of this section are complied with.

(2) The conditions referred to in subsection (1) of this section are—

  • (a) That the club, society, or organisation is not established or conducted for profit; and

  • (b) That the main objects of the club, society, or organisation are charitable or are otherwise concerned with the advancement of religion, education, or social welfare; and

  • (c) That the proceeds of any charge for admission to the place where the recording is to be heard are applied solely for the purposes of the club, society, or organisation.

So, if you're a charitable, non-profit organisation, you can ignore copyright in sound recordings for the purposes of your next fundraiser. And your members can dance the night away to sweet, sweet unpaid-for music.
