


Does spelling and grammar have an effect on the information a text contains?


  • Take a text that conveys a true proposition (e.g. Mt Everest is the highest mountain in the world).
  • Perform some really complicated errors.
  • End up with a text that conveys no true proposition (e.g. Mt Everest is the highest fountain in the world).


  • What do we mean by "conveys"? Conveys to whom?
  • There may be a person for whom your errors make sense (e.g. fountain means mountain).
  • To claim no information where some may exist for others is egocentric.

Closer to the question:

  • Consider "txt".
    • To one person it appears to be mangled English.
    • To others, it is perfectly understandable and well-formed.
    • Then: is the information in a txt text different from the equivalent English text.
      • Is this a problem of translation? The translation between the two seems as perfect as possible.


_Do_ spelling and grammar _affect_ the information a text contains? I dunno, probably not; I suppose they can affect our attitude towards that information, though.