We're here.
Move complete.
The Last.fm system is back up and running - submit your username and join 'the social music revolution', as they say. Or, you know, just play songs with really offensive titles and watch them pop up in the sidebar.
Speaking of the sidebar, we need some skins. Skinning is pretty easy - grab something like EditCSS or Chris Pederick's Web Developer (recently improved with a much nicer CSS editor). Have a play around and send me the css file. You can use images, and all sorts of fanciness, but simple is good too. Once we've got a couple of skins, I promise I'll bring back voting.
The Last.fm system is back up and running - submit your username and join 'the social music revolution', as they say. Or, you know, just play songs with really offensive titles and watch them pop up in the sidebar.
Speaking of the sidebar, we need some skins. Skinning is pretty easy - grab something like EditCSS or Chris Pederick's Web Developer (recently improved with a much nicer CSS editor). Have a play around and send me the css file. You can use images, and all sorts of fanciness, but simple is good too. Once we've got a couple of skins, I promise I'll bring back voting.