
Things I've learnt in the past few days

Things I've learnt in the past few days

  • I haven't seen them on TV recently, but remember 'Food in a Minute'? Well, that was Godfrey De Grut, my old Saxophone tutor, playing tenor for the theme music.
  • Tmesis is fanfuckingtastically cool in both spelling and meaning. Unfreakingbelievably cool.
  • quondam/quondamly/quondamship
  • C
I've been using Cygwin utilities for a little while now - I seem to use Windows 'Run...' and the command line quite a bit, and it's handy to have friendly old 'ls' available for those times I can't remember which operating system I'm using.

I'll say this here, in case someone has the same problem and comes across this in a Google search: If you're looking to use Cygwin's 'make', you have to do it from a Cygwin shell. That's why, if you don't use a managed make project in Eclipse with CDT, Eclipse can find make but make can't find gcc. It's a weird situation where you can access make and gcc from the command line, but one can't access the other. It's because make ignores Windows' PATH, and goes with the Cygwin one (which isn't set outside of a Cygwin shell). The solution is to change the build settings in Eclipse from 'make' to 'sh -c make'. Easy.