


Alyx, a solution for the Safari thing isn't going to be coming any time soon: I have no access to an Apple computer. It should work for Firefox on the mac, as that's platform independant. I'll also have a look on Konqueror in Feb (they use the same rendering engine).

We're in Queenstown at the moment. It's nice, but quite expensive compared to some places we've stayed at. The itinerary so far has been Christchurch to Darfield, to Methven, to Geraldine, to Fairlie, to Lake Tekapo, to Twizel, a sky dive then to Omarama, up (and down) Lindis pass to Tarras (home of Shrek the sheep), then, passing through Cromwell, on to Queenstown.

Trav just ditched Tom and I to head for Dunedin (and Emma?). We saw him when we were in the bus back from the Nevis Gorge where we did the (big) bungy. There was a note in the tent. So, from here Tom and I are going to leave tomorrow for Dunedin, taking the old railway route from Clyde to Middlemarch.



Sounds awesome, and like a wicked way to see the South Island. Keep having fun, I'm home in 12 days!

You guys must be taking your time. I couldn't see Trav much while in Dunedin cos those science people don't give you a free second, and you weren't there by last night, so speed it up! He made it in a day and a half, pussies. Anyway, he must be getting pretty bored by now.
Oh, what? Trav must be getting bored? Oh Noes!!!1 Well, perhaps he should have thought of what Dunedin would 'offer [him]' while we were making our way there. You know, I'm sorry, maybe you should remind me of why we shouldn't take our time when we're on holiday? Why should we bust a gut to get to Dunedin to meet up with Trav when he obviously doesn't really care all that much about sticking with us, or about what we're doing? I hope he's getting bored. I hope he's damn bored. And he's going to get more bored because we're in Dunedin for the next few days.

And no more gin for him either.
I enjoyed Dunedin immensely. Emma or no, it beats Queenstown amazingly.

didn't drink the gin.

you said i instead of me

t r a v
Isn't it I is either case and me is the optional special case. That's what I thought we agreed on - that it's wrong to correct me for I in the special case, but that I can be used in the place of me.

And you did drink the gin. All of it. Perhaps you don't remember?
Oh, and by the time you were enjoying Dunedin we weren't in Queenstown, so what the hell.
I meant that I preferred eight extra nights in Dunedin to just one extra night in Queeenstown.

Sorry, thought you meant the gin that Tom bought and was left lying round the campsite.

<a href="">http://en.wikip...ercorrection</a>

t r a v